Wow I didn’t even realize that I hit 8 months today. That’s already a third of the mission. That went by pretty fast. I feel pretty good about what I’ve done but there’s a lot more I want to do and a huge chunk of my mission is already done. I still feel brand new in the mission but in my 6 elder district there’s only one elder with more time than me. Its elder palmer and he only has one change more than me. So I guess I’m expected to know how to be a missionary at this point and I still feel lost most of the time.
That’s sooo sweet that Allison is all ready to go! I did the math and she has to leave before June 25 so that she only misses one Christmas! I don’t want to get home and have Christmas without her! Tell bishop to figure it out so that she can go right then!
What did Nick Hess think about church? Did the missionaries find him? That is their job and if they didn’t they’re lazy but Allison should have gotten on it too!
I’m super excited about general conference! I’ll be able to watch it in a different room with the gringos in English. It’s in the stake center in Purral. It’s super close. It’s like a kilo from our church.
We live super close to our church but our area doesn’t include the church so we have to take a bus everyday to our area and then we walk a lot. Our area is huge and includes some places super far that we have to take several buses to. But there are 2 different members who own “microbuses” and their jobs are transporting kids to school. So they help us out sometimes going to the far places.
As far as investigators it’s been super tough. We’ve had to start knocking doors. Last week we found a family and they have a 17 year old girl that just had a baby. It died when she was giving birth and she had just gotten out of the hospital earlier that day and she was really depressed about it. She had been Catholic and people told her that her baby was going to hell because it wasn’t baptized. We explained a little about the plan of salvation and showed her in the Book of Mormon when it explains in Moroni what happens to those babies. It was cool. We really came at the perfect time for that family and we will see what happens with them.
I need to go. I love you
Elder Graham